The Paris Agreement calls for the global temperature rise to be kept below 2 degrees Celsius. It requires all countries around the world to play their part, and places the focus on their nationally determined contributions (NDCs). These have to be activated in all parts of the economy, whether in the energy sector, agriculture or urban development. Countries’ long-term development plans and budget plans are also required to be geared to climate justice. GIZ is working on behalf of the German Environment Ministry with a global project at this nexus between international climate policy and development cooperation.
Across the globe, experts and decision-makers at all levels, from local authorities to national governments, receive support from GIZ in building their skills, for example to encourage businesses to invest in climate action. Networks are established between government institutions, the private sector and civil society. A working meeting initiated by the project provided input for the UN Climate Change Conference in Katowice (COP 24) in December 2018.