
For GIZ, sustainability means combining social responsibility, ecological balance and economic capability. We see political participation – which is included as a fourth dimension in the Sustainability Programme – as a basic prerequisite for enabling sustainable development in the other three dimensions. We are taking this step because we want to make our reporting on sustainability even more relatable to the international debate on sustainable development.
In 2018, we produced an interim monitoring report on our Sustainability Programme 2016-2020. Below we outline the objectives, measures, indicators and the degree to which objectives have been achieved. Before we come to the detailed presentation in the tables, we would like to draw attention to some of the highlights of the interim monitoring report on the four dimensions.
We promote gender equality in the company. Between 2013 and 2018, we raised the proportion of women in managerial positions by a total of 7.1 percentage points in Germany and abroad, thereby exceeding the objectives of our Gender Equality Plan. By the end of 2018, the proportion in Germany had reached 48.6 per cent. Although fewer women work in managerial positions abroad (38.4 per cent of such roles are filled by women), here too the trend is significantly above the targets, with a rate of increase of 10.3 percentage points over the past five years.
More on this topic: Our objectives in the social responsibility dimension
Social responsibility: We are a top employer in Germany and in our partner countries
Objectives | Period | Measures | Indicators | Achievement of objectives |
We strengthen gender equality in the company. | 2018 | Increase the proportion of women in managerial positions, especially outside Germany. | The proportion of women in managerial positions has increased by at least 4% in Germany and abroad (Equal Opportunities Plan reporting date: 31 December 2013). | achieved |
We promote fair working conditions. | 2018 | Strengthen future-proof skills development for our staff. | Upgrading modules to improve employability are available. | in progress |
in progress | 2020 | Further develop promotion mechanisms, in particular for staff on limited-term contracts and development workers. | Promotion mechanisms for staff on limited-term contracts and development workers have been developed further and are open to these target groups. | in progress |
We promote the career opportunities of employees on local employment contracts. | 2020 | Increase the proportion of our national personnel working in professional and managerial positions. | 50% of the national personnel work in professional or managerial posts, 20% are managers and senior professionals (baseline 2014: 41.5% and 13.3% respectively). | in progress |
We are a top employer. | 2016 ff. | Ensure by means of human resources policy that GIZ is one of the most attractive employers in Germany. | External evaluations of employer attractiveness regularly produce high ratings (Top 100). | achieved |
We are reducing our CO2 emissions and striving for climate neutrality worldwide. We avoid, reduce and offset CO2 emissions. Our decisions on these are based on valid environmental and climate data. For example, we record business flights, fuel use by company vehicles and generators, and energy consumption. We have very reliable data in Germany thanks to our environmental management system, the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS). We are constantly working to improve the quality of data available abroad.
More on this topic: Our objectives in the ecological balance dimension
Ecological balance: We are international pioneers in climate change mitigation and resource conservation
Objectives | Period | Measures | Indicators | Achievement of objectives |
We reduce our CO2 emissions globally and strive to achieve climate neutrality for GIZ worldwide. | 2016 | Record our CO2 emissions in the field as well. | Basic emissions data from at least 90% of the country offices are available. Data include CO2 emissions from business flights, fuel use by company vehicles and generators, and energy consumption in offices. | achieved |
We reduce our CO2 emissions globally and strive to achieve climate neutrality for GIZ worldwide. | 2020 | Reduce our specific CO2 emission values (emissions per person) in Germany and abroad. Offset CO2 emissions generated outside Germany as well. | A reduction in the specific value in Germany of 2% per annum (baseline average 2012-2014: 7.73 t CO2/staff member) and in the country offices worldwide of 10% by 2020 (baseline: 2016) has been achieved. CDM Gold Standard certificates are obtained for all emissions (in Germany and abroad). | achieved |
We reduce our resource consumption worldwide. | 2020 | Reduce our specific water, paper and electricity consumption worldwide. | Specific consumption is reduced by 10% (baseline: 2016). The proportion of recycled paper used abroad is up by at least 50% (baseline: 2016). | in progress |
Political participation
We are strengthening our social commitment in Germany and abroad. How can staff members get involved in sustainability management? They can, for instance, engage regularly or on an ad-hoc basis in various voluntary social, environmental or cultural activities in the company. In 2018, we drew up guidelines for staff members and managers, which emphasise corporate management’s support for staff engagement.
More on this topic: Our objectives in the political participation dimension
Political participation: We reinforce stakeholder participation
Objectives | Period | Measures | Indicators | Achievement of objectives |
We engage in regular dialogue with our stakeholders. | 2016 ff. | Continue regular dialogue formats with our main stakeholder groups and develop new formats for other essential interest groups. In the medium term there are plans to involve service recipients and ultimate beneficiaries. | Existing dialogue formats continue. New formats have been established and are documented in the company report. | achieved |
We strengthen our social engagement in Germany and abroad. | 2017 | A concept is available to promote social engagement as part of the German Council for Sustainable Development’s Action Days for Sustainability and our CSH (Corporate Sustainability Handprint®). | The concept is implemented in Germany and at least ten partner countries. Main contents are incorporated in the GIZ ‘Orientation and Rules’ and become mandatory in 2018. | achieved |
We promote diversity in the company. | 2018 | Produce a catalogue of measures to promote diversity. | A concept is available and has been made mandatory. | in progress |
We operate with an effective compliance management system (CMS). GIZ had implemented a comprehensive CMS by the end of 2018. This is important for GIZ – particularly in light of our work in countries around the world – in order to be able to deliver our services in accordance with regulations and achieve the agreed objectives efficiently. It also promotes a corporate culture that is geared to compliance with rules and regulations and to integrity and anti-corruption. Now that the start-up phase has been completed, the CMS will be continuously refined and improved.
More on this topic: Our objectives in the economic capability dimension
We are the European benchmark for quality and efficiency in international cooperation
Objectives | Period | Measures | Indicators | Achievement of objectives |
We increase our competitiveness. | 2020 | Take suitable steps to boost economic capability (digitalisation, product innovation, successful business acquisition, enhanced structure of operations, etc.). | The control parameter is consistently under 12% (baseline in 2014: 12.1%). | achieved |
We procure goods and services that meet the highest sustainability criteria. In other countries, the highest sustainability criteria appropriate to the relevant country’s specific circumstances apply. | 2016 | Adopt guidelines on sustainable procurement. | Mandatory guidelines have been adopted, incorporated in company-wide regulations and applied. | in progress |
We procure goods and services that meet the highest sustainability criteria. In other countries, the highest sustainability criteria appropriate to the relevant country’s specific circumstances apply. | 2018 | Train consultants and appraisers working for us in partner countries in the use of our sustainability standards. | Training courses for our service providers are offered regularly. Mandatory standards must be applied by all. | in progress |
We combine our sustainability and quality management. | 2018 | Develop an integrated quality and sustainability management system. | A system has been developed and is in use. | in progress |
We focus on client satisfaction. | 2016 ff. | Steadily improve client satisfaction. | Responses to surveys confirm an increase in client satisfaction. | cannot be ascertained* |
We promote human rights within the scope of our commissions and ensure that the company respects them. | 2016 | Implement UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights within the company. | A management, training and reporting system has been developed. Grievance mechanisms are in place. | in progress |
We apply the same sustainability criteria in our services as within the company. | 2016 | Develop sustainability guidelines for our projects and a corresponding implementation concept. | Sustainability guidelines have been developed, operationalised and applied. | achieved |
We establish a compliance management system. | 2016 | Implement an operational system with control mechanisms to prevent violations or uncover these at an early stage, to document the course of events and isolated incidents, and to train staff at all levels. | The compliance management system (CMS) has been subjected to concept assessment by internal auditing with regard to its alignment with IDW PS 980 and has ‘passed’. | achieved |
We establish a compliance management system. | 2018 | Implement an operational system with control mechanisms to prevent violations or uncover these at an early stage, to document the course of events and isolated incidents, and to train staff at all levels | A full CMS in accordance with the IDW PS 980 standard has been implemented. Its concept, suitability and effectiveness have been assessed by GIZ internal auditing. | achieved |
*GIZ carries out surveys to determine whether client satisfaction has improved. The first (baseline) survey was conducted in 2017 and the next is scheduled for 2020. This means that it is currently not possible to publish interim results. |