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Our reporting and the GRI index

Welcome to, the online version of GIZ’s ninth Integrated Company Report. We have been compiling financial and non-financial information in this voluntary reporting format since 2014. This requires us to take a holistic view of our organisation: the report illustrates how responsibility for sustainability is strategically anchored and implemented at GIZ. Besides financial data and relevant indicators, it also shows how, through its global services, GIZ is working with its commissioning parties and partners to respond to global challenges with effective solutions for sustainable development. The reporting period is the 2022 calendar year.

Under the sections ‘Acting ecologically’, ‘Contributing socially and ‘Operating responsibly ’ , we report on our engagement in the three dimensions of sustainability, collectively referred to as ESG: Environment, Social and Governance. You will also find more information on corporate sustainability in these sections.

This report was produced in accordance with the GRI-Standards. Relevant indicators are shown directly in the text. For a summary of all the indicators, see the GRI index table(see below). The table also provides an overview of the progress made towards implementation of the principles of the UN Global Compact, the criteria set out in the German Sustainability Code and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Furthermore, we draw up a Declaration of Conformity with the German Sustainability Code including GIZ’s non-financial declaration as set out in Section § 289b of the German Commercial Code (HGB) and a progress report on our implementation of the Ten Principlesof the UN Global Compact. A questionnaire has been used for this purpose since 2022.

GIZ’s ninth Integrated Company Report can also be ordered in printed form from our publications database and is available as an accessible pdf document under Downloads.

GRI content index and external assurance

This report provides comprehensive information on what we are doing to ensure corporate sustainability in line with the standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). It gives an overview of GIZ’s key topics and the corresponding indicators for the GRI standards.

The United Nations Global Compact is the largest corporate social responsibility initiative. GIZ is a member of the Global Compact and has undertaken to uphold its Ten Principles.

For GIZ, the 2030 Agenda serves as an overarching frame of reference. The Sustainable Development Goals are now an integral part of the planning, implementation and monitoring of all new projects at GIZ.

The German Sustainability Code comprises 20 criteria and supplementary non-financial performance indicators compiled from the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies (EFFAS). With its reporting activities within the framework of the German Sustainability Code, GIZ also follows the recommendation of the German Government’s Public Corporate Governance Code (PCGK) that a non-financial declaration as set out in Section § 289 HGB.ff of the German Commercial Code (HGB) be published.

The GRI index, the UNGC index, the Sustainable Development Goals and the criteria of the German Sustainability Code are shown below. You will find GIZ’s Declaration of Conformity with the German Sustainability Code here (in German), and the UN Global Compact progress reports here.

GRI 1: Foundation 2021

GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021

GRI 3: Material Topics

Material topic 1: Climate protection

Material topic 2: Protection of natural resources

Material topic 3: Sustainable procurement

Material topic 4: Protection and promotion of human rights

Material topic 5: Sustainable mobility

Material topic 6: Biodiversity

Material topic 7: Diversity and gender

Material topic 8: Compliance and anti-corruption

Material topic 9: Digitalisation

Material topic 10: Work-life balance and employee health

Material topic 11: Sustainable events

Material topic 12: Cooperation and partnership management

Material topic 13: Staff development

Material topic 14: Responsible use of funds

Material topic 15: Learning organisation

Material topic 16: Social engagement