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Energy consumption– less is more

GIZ has adopted a twin-track strategy to cut its energy-related CO2 emissions: it is reducing its energy consumption and generating its own green power.

Every morning when Jan Suckow gets to the office and turns on his computer, he is happy to know that the power is not just coming from the socket, but has been generated on the office roof.

At the start of 2022, GIZ Peru installed 5.2-kWp photovoltaic panels on the roof of its office in Lima. Ever since, the PV system has produced green electricity for the office. ‘Over the last few months, our 16 solar panels have generated 15 per cent of our electricity using clean technology. That is roughly the power needed to run 150 laptops, 24 printers and four coffee machines for a year,’ explains Suckow.

Jan Suckow works for GIZ as a technical advisor focusing on the integration of renewable energy. He has been in charge of the project in Lima. The office’s own solar power system firstly helps cut greenhouse gas emissions by reducing consumption of conventionally generated electricity. Secondly though, GIZ hopes that this PV system will help hone awareness in Peru of the huge potential offered by photovoltaic technology. Situated as it is close to the Equator, Peru is one of the most promising locations in the world for solar power.

Portrait photo: Jan Suckow.

»We were able to produce 15 per cent of our electricity in recent months using our 16 solar panels: that is roughly what it takes to run 150 laptops, 25 printers and four coffee machines for an entire year.«

Jan Suckow, GIZ Lima, Peru
© GIZ / Jan Suckow

Successful energy-saving campaign in Germany

Not every GIZ location offers such ideal conditions for generating its own power. In Germany GIZ thus relies mainly on buying in green power and on saving energy. 95 per cent of the electricity we consumed in Germany in 2022 was generated from renewable sources. A successful campaign to urge staff to save energy has also helped reduce our consumption of energy for heating and cooling. Our per-capita consumption is now 1,901 kWh – about 20 per cent lower than in 2021.

GIZ has thus far exceeded the target it had set itself of reducing its total per-capita energy consumption inside Germany by 10 per cent between 2019 and 2025. Outside Germany, it aims to cut consumption by 20 per cent. Current figures show a reduction of 13 per cent since 2019, so there is still some way to go. Outside Germany, the situation is challenging in areas where conventional fuels still play an important part, for instance in the mobility sector, and where generators need to be used.

© GIZ / Jan Suckow

Energy consumption in 2022
in figures

In Germany


green electricity


heating and cooling energy compared to 2019


electricity consumption compared to 2019

Becoming self-sufficient in energy in Togo

Togo is even closer to the Equator than Peru, giving it still greater potential for using solar power. GIZ’s activities on the ground reflect this. A Togolese expert worked with staff of the Rural Electrification in Togo project (ProEnergie) to design a photovoltaic system for GIZ’s office building in Lomé, and a local company installed 100 solar modules in the second quarter of 2022. The system has an installed capacity of 40 kWp, which supplies about 75 per cent of the electricity required at the GIZ office. This is allowing the staff of 30 to save about 2.5 tonnes of CO2 every month.

As well as demonstrating the potential offered by solar power, the goal of ensuring a reliable power supply and becoming self-sufficient in energy were important factors in the decision to invest in PV technology. While to date GIZ’s own diesel generators have sprung into action when the office faced power outages, the office’s own photovoltaic system can now pick up at least some of the slack. If a battery can be integrated into the system in future, it will be possible to completely replace the generators.

But Peru and Togo are just two examples. In 2022, over 300 GIZ locations around the globe already operated their own PV systems. We have thus already achieved our goal of fitting out 25 locations with their own photovoltaic systems by 2025, and that spurs us on to even greater things.

© Avisk World Studio / Roger Gbekou

Energy consumption in 2022
in figures



electricity consumption compared to 2019


heating and cooling energy compared to 2019

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Material topic 2: Protection of natural resources