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Protecting andfostering biodiversity

GIZ has launched a host of activities to preserve local biodiversity at its locations in Germany.

© GIZ / Tillmann Franzen

Many steps have been taken to protect biodiversity at Campus Kottenforst.

© GIZ / Tillmann Franzen

Many steps have been taken to protect biodiversity at Campus Kottenforst.

© GIZ / Tillmann Franzen

Many steps have been taken to protect biodiversity at Campus Kottenforst.

GIZ’s Campus Kottenforst in Bonn is humming with life. Insects have made their homes in the site’s wildflower meadows. They can be seen buzzing around the fruit trees and crawling around the insect hotels and through the piles of deadwood, which also provide a refuge for hedgehogs and other small mammals. During the day, native birds like robins and tits flit through the trees and fly in and out of nesting boxes. At night, bats emerge from their nesting boxes in the Campus grounds and take over the skies.

Campus Kottenforst is right on the edge of the forest that gives it its name. Since protecting and fostering biodiversity is one of GIZ’s key goals, the company has instigated numerous activities in the Campus grounds to ensure that a natural habitat is available for indigenous flora and fauna, thus helping to conserve both species and biotopes. In this way, GIZ ensures that the wildlife from the neighbouring forest feels every bit at home on Campus as GIZ staff and visitors attending the many events there.

Every bit of ground counts

The Bonn base is only one example of GIZ’s efforts to foster greater biodiversity. We are implementing various measures at all of our locations in Germany. Many GIZ buildings, whether they are rented or owned by the company, lie in urban areas and have little surrounding land. Nevertheless, we have many different ways of encouraging biodiversity locally, including green roofs and insect-friendly plants.

We devised a score card system in 2022 to enable us to see precisely how we are doing at the various locations. It looks at measures we take to encourage biodiversity using simple indicators in the areas of both implementation and management. The score card for GIZ’s Eschborn offices indicates that 170 trees of 25 different species already provide for a high level of species diversity.

In 2022 we also devised strategies to increase biodiversity even more for all EMAS locations in Germany (EMAS Environmental Statement 2023, p. 12(german only)). They include installing nesting boxes and insect hotels in courtyards and in the grounds surrounding our offices. Outside Germany, we focus mainly on awareness measures to make our offices more environmentally friendly. Staff at some offices have created community gardens.

Photo: Food scraps are composted at the Tashkent community garden.
© GIZ / Aziza Ataeva
Food scraps are composted at the Tashkent community garden.
Working together to fostering biodiversity

GIZ has been part of the cross-sectoral Biodiversity in Good Company initiative since it was founded in 2008. Companies from numerous industries have joined the initiative to work together to protect biodiversity. In this way, GIZ supports the international Convention on Biological Diversity.

Below you will find information about the Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI) sustainability standards:

Material topic 6: Biodiversity