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Our Gender Strategy

GIZ’s Gender Strategy is showing results: it is creating greater equality of opportunity in our company and countries of assignment, strengthening our market position and helping us to meet the growing demand from our commissioning parties.

Gender equality is both a prerequisite for and a driver of sustainable development – in Germany and in other societies. For GIZ’s work, it has the status of a guiding principle and quality criterion that must be considered in all areas of the company. We therefore have an internal equal opportunities policy and are working to address and eliminate gender-based disadvantage and discrimination in our work worldwide. GIZ's Gender Strategy creates a binding framework for these strategic objectives.

This stance on gender is having an impact. In the 2022 reporting period, GIZ was able to leverage its gender expertise in a targeted manner, including in dialogues with our commissioning parties, international forums and specific projects in the field. By systematically documenting implementation of our Gender Strategy and putting it into practice on a day-to-day basis, we are consolidating the perception of GIZ as a values-driven and responsible company.

Photo: A man and a woman standing in front of a wall printed with the words: ‘GIZ Gender Award 2022’. Both are holding moderation cards and wearing microphones.
© GIZ / Deniss Kacs
What is our gender-transformative approach?

Our gender-transformative approach addresses not only the social impact of inequality between the sexes, but also its causes such as gender-specific roles, stereotypes and power relations. The analysis examines the underlying structures, social norms and practices that are rooted in patriarchal social systems, discriminatory legislation and systemic power imbalances. The approach aims to sustainably promote gender justice and equal opportunities and thus contribute in the long term to an inclusive and peaceful future worth living.

Growing demand for GIZ’s gender expertise

The Gender Strategy’s objectives and its implementation are guided both by the policy requirements of the German Government and by GIZ’s Corporate Strategy. The German Government has set itself ambitious goals within the framework of a feminist foreign and development policy. During the reporting period, other key clients and partners – including the G7, the EU and the African Union – continued to develop their political priorities, strategic goals and institutional capacities to promote gender equality. Our gender expertise puts us in a good position to meet the increasing demand in this area.

GIZ’s 2022 Gender Week aimed to facilitate networking, knowledge sharing and strategic dialogue with partners and key commissioning parties. The projects and teams that received the GIZ Gender Awards in 2022 have responded to increasing demand from our clients and partners and demonstrated in an impressive way that the company’s gender expertise is sought after and recognised. This is the case in areas such as corruption, climate and climate risk insurance, rural development, and gender-transformative approaches, which are a central tenet of feminist development policy.

Portrait photo: Dr. Bärbel Kofler.

»The entries to GIZ’s Gender Competition demonstrate how we can achieve effective development cooperation that boosts gender equality and how GIZ has systematically mainstreamed gender in its entire portfolio and activities.«

Dr Bärbel Kofler, Parliamentary State Secretary to the German Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, speaking at the GIZ Award Ceremony 2022.
© BPA / Steffen Kugler

Gender Makes Business Sense: an award-winning pioneering project

Gender Makes Business Sense, which was one of the award-winning projects in 2022 and is being carried out in seven African countries, including Malawi, is an outstanding example. In the training programme for small-business owners in the agricultural sector, participants learn how to run a business and keep track of their finances. The trainers focus on the question of how to break through discrimination and barriers for women entrepreneurs. This means that both women and men are encouraged to overcome established patriarchal structures in their field of work. The project is pioneering in nature, with several departments at GIZ joining forces to further expand this gender-transformative approach and roll it out in other countries too.

Group photo: Several women in work clothes and helmets are smiling.
Gender Makes Business Sense is a project to support women in the agricultural sector.
© GIZ / AgricToday
Below you will find information about the Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI) sustainability standards:

GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021

Material topic 7: Diversity and gender