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Upheaval and crisis: influences on our work

Our world is in constant flux. The uncertainties and crises that characterised 2022 also set the framework for GIZ and influence our work around the world.

The return of geopolitics

Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine has called into question the existing European and international security order. Although the G7 and other countries remain committed to multilateralism and cooperation in order to implement global agendas together, the new geopolitical challenges will shape international policy and therefore GIZ’s work over the long term.

Our partner countries in a multipolar world

For some time now, developing countries and emerging economies have been readjusting their international cooperation activities and entering into targeted cooperation agreements with other international donors. For us, this means keeping a sensitive and attentive eye on the sometimes complex local conditions to ensure that we can continue to plan and offer effective solutions.

The influence of multiple crises on German development policy

As a direct consequence of the Russian war of aggression, it is becoming apparent that some aspects of foreign and security policy are moving closer to the domain of development cooperation, which must nevertheless preserve its autonomy. In economically challenging times when budgetary resources are scarce, achieving the greatest possible effect with limited financial leeway is more important than ever.

Issues such as ensuring food, energy and cyber security, safeguarding international supply chains and working in fragile contexts are increasingly dictating the political agenda. At the same time, Germany’s Government is focusing on a socially equitable green transformation and feminist development policy. Climate change mitigation and adaptation, digital transformation and the strengthening of global health systems are still highly relevant issues. In this context, GIZ must continuously review and develop its range of services.

Global setbacks

In 2022, the United Nations Human Development Index recorded a decline in global prosperity for the second successive year. According to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 70 million people have fallen back into extreme poverty since 2020, particularly as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to that, the effects of climate change have become increasingly noticeable, especially in the countries of the Global South. Together with rising inflation, the risk of famine, displacement and social unrest is growing in a number of regions around the world. To tackle these long-term global challenges, GIZ needs to be able to respond flexibly and rapidly to acute crises. It is becoming more and more important to develop cross-sectoral, cross-border solutions that can be implemented in conjunction with other European and international actors.