Keine ArmutWeniger UngleichheitenNachhaltige Städte und GemeindenNachhaltiger Konsum und nachhaltige ProduktionMaßnahmen zum KlimaschutzLeben unter WasserLeben an LandFrieden, Gerechtigkeit und starke InstitutionenPartnerschaften zur Erreichung der ZieleKein HungerGesundheit und WohlergehenHochwertige BildungGeschlechtergleichheitSauberes Wasser und SanitäreinrichtungenBezahlbare und saubere EnergieMenschenwürdige Arbeit und WirtschaftswachstumIndustrie, Innovation und Infrastruktur Artboard 1

At a glance: Contributing socially

The people we work with around the world are the cornerstone of what we do. We at GIZ have a responsibility to always engage with them on an equal footing, with respect, and with regard for human rights.


national staff

The collaboration between national staff and seconded experts makes us a strong and successful organisation. National staff account for 68 per cent of our workforce.

Discover more figures about our staff here.

Portrait photo: Mariem M’Beirik.

»I could not have had any better preparation for a future leadership role.«

Mariem M’Beirik,
project manager in Mauritania
© GIZ / Benjamin Moscovici
Marcel Nitschman, Head of Section in the Procurement and Contracting Division, explains why GIZ is a pioneer in sustainable procurement.

From office supplies such as pencils and printer ink to medical products and even wind turbines – when it comes to procurement, we take into account both social and sustainability criteria. With this, we protect human rights and ensure sustainable supply chains.

Photo: A woman wearing a helmet sits on a bicycle, with palm trees on the side of the road in the background.
© GIZ / Nguyen Thanh Xuan

Bikes instead of mopeds: GIZ staff in Hanoi have recently started to ride their bamboo bikes to meetings. The bike-sharing scheme grew out of a staff initiative.
