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GRI content index
and external assurance

This report provides comprehensive information on what we are doing to ensure corporate sustainability in line with the core standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). It provides an overview of GIZ’s key topics and the corresponding indicators for the GRI standards.

The United Nations Global Compact is the largest corporate social responsibility initiative. GIZ is a member of the Global Compact and has undertaken to uphold its ten principles.

For GIZ, the 2030 Agenda serves as an overarching frame of reference. The Sustainable Development Goals are now an integral part of the planning, implementation and monitoring of all new projects at GIZ.

The German Sustainability Code comprises 20 criteria and supplementary non-financial performance indicators compiled from the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies (EFFAS). 

With its Integrated Company Report and reporting activities within the framework of the German Sustainability Code, GIZ also follows the recommendation of the German Government’s Public Corporate Governance Code (PCGK) that a non-financial declaration as set out in Section 289 ff. of the German Commercial Code (HGB) be published. 

The GRI index, the UNGC index, the goals of the 2030 Agenda, the criteria of the German Sustainability Code and the information required under Section 289b ff. of the German Commercial Code (HGB) are shown in combined form below.

This report was produced in accordance with GRI standards (core option).

GRI UNGCSDGThe Code*Section 289b ff. of HGB**
102-1Name of the organization

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

102-2Activities, brands, products, and services

Our work around the world

 1-1710, 18Section 289c para. 1 HGB
102-3Location of headquarters

Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 32 + 36

53113 Bonn



Dag-Hammarskjöld-Weg 1 - 5

65760 Eschborn


102-4Location of operations

GIZ has two registered offices in Germany: one in Bonn and one in Eschborn. The company is also represented at nine other locations in Germany and at over 80 offices around the globe.


GIZ profile

102-5Ownership and legal form

GIZ profile
Registration information

102-6Markets served

Our work around the world

Fiscal 2020

Achieving results around the world
How GIZ works


 8, 124, 10Section 289c para. 1 HGB
102-7Scale of the organization

Total number of employees: 

People at GIZ
Total number of operations: 

GIZ profileWorldwide
Net revenues:

Fiscal 2020

Quantity of products and services provided:

Project data

102-8Information on employees and other workers

People at GIZ

6814Section 289c para. 2 (2) HGB
102-9Supply chain

Sustainable procurement and events

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 884 
102-10Significant changes to the organization and its supply chainThe move to the new Bonn Campus on Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 32 was completed in the 2020 reporting period. The building on Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 40 in Bonn was vacated.  4 
102-11Precautionary principle or approach

Minimising risk, averting damage
Environmental management at GIZ

713, 156, 12, 13Section 289c para. 2 (1, 3) HGB
102-12External initiatives

Our sustainability management instruments

102-13Membership of associations

Our sustainability management instruments


GRI UNGCSDGThe Code*Section 289b ff. of HGB**
102-16Values, principles, standards, and norms of behavior

Systematic and strategic: Sustainable. The obvious choice
Systematic and strategic: Gender equality. The obvious choice
Diversity is valuable
Gender at GIZ
Human rights are the top priority
Working together to fight corruption

1, 2, 6, 7, 105, 8, 12, 166, 7, 14, 20Section 289c para. 2 (2) HGB
(not required for ‘Core’)
Mechanisms for advice and concerns about ethics

Protecting sensitive data
Diversity is valuable
Gender at GIZ
Human rights are the top priority 
Working together to fight corruption

1, 2, 6, 101620Section 289c para. 2 (2) HGB

GRI UNGCSDGThe Code*Section 289b ff. of HGB**
102-18Governance structure

Our organisation chart
Our official bodies

(not required for ‘Core’)
Delegating authority

Our organisation chart
Strategic and systematic sustainability management (IUB 2019)

(not required for ‘Core’)
Executive-level responsibility for economic, environmental, and social topics

Strategic and systematic sustainability management (IUB 2019)

(not required for ‘Core’)
Consulting stakeholders on economic, environmental, and social topics

Engaging in dialogue

 16, 179, 14 
(not required for ‘Core’)
Composition of the highest governance body and its committees

Our official bodies

(not required for ‘Core’)
Chair of the highest governance body

Message from the Chair of the Supervisory Board
Foreword by the Management Board
Our official bodies

(not required for ‘Core’)
Role of highest governance body in setting purpose, values, and strategy

Values, strategies and objectives are defined by the Management Board, the Management Committee, the Strategy Committee and the Sustainability Board. Strategic leadership is not one of the Supervisory Board’s roles.

Our official bodies
Foreword by the Management Board

Strategic and systematic sustainability management (IUB 2019)

(not required for ‘Core’)
Identifying and managing economic, environmental, and social impacts

Worldwide change: opportunities and risks
Engaging in dialogue
Minimising risk, averting damage

Systematic and strategic

Our sustainability management instruments
Climate management at GIZ
Environmental management at GIZ

1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 97, 12, 13, 15, 161, 2, 3, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 17Section 289c para. 2 (3) HGB
(not required for ‘Core’)
Review of economic, environmental, and social topics

Engaging in dialogue
Systematic and strategic: Sustainable. The obvious choice

 8, 12, 161, 7 
(not required for ‘Core’)
Highest governance body’s role in sustainability reporting

The Director Corporate Sustainability is the highest authority with regard to sustainability reporting. They approve the content and verify the completeness of the Sustainability Report. In addition to this, an external audit is carried out every two years.

(not required for ‘Core’)
Communicating critical concerns

Working together to fight corruption
Minimising risk, averting damage

(not required for ‘Core’)
Remuneration policies

Annual Statement of Accounts 2019
Public Corporate Governance Report (German only)

 88, 14, 15Section 289c para. 2 (2) HGB

GRI UNGCSDGThe Code*Section 289b ff. of HGB**
102-40List of stakeholder groups

Stakeholder Dialogue on Sustainability 2018 (p. 6)
Results Report: GIZ Stakeholder Dialogue on Sustainability 2020 (p. 6)
Engaging in dialogue

102-41Collective bargaining agreements

As at 31 December 2020, GIZ employed a total of 23,614 staff worldwide. 7,626 of these employees have employment contracts that are subject to German labour law and collective bargaining agreements. This figure represents 32.3% of all staff. The 15,988 members of GIZ’s national staff have employment contracts concluded in accordance with the local terms of employment in their country of assignment and/or region. A total of 18,607 employees work outside Germany, which accounts for 80% of all GIZ staff. This figure also includes 2,619 seconded experts with employment contracts that are subject to German law. 

People at GIZ

 814, 15Section 289c para. 2 (2) HGB
102-42Identifying and selecting stakeholders

Alignment with the AccountAbility Stakeholder Engagement Standard (AA1000SES) 2015.

Stakeholder Dialogue on Sustainability 2018
Results Report: GIZ Stakeholder Dialogue on Sustainability 2020 (p. 6)

102-43Approach to stakeholder engagement

Stakeholder Dialogue on Sustainability 2018
Results Report: GIZ Stakeholder Dialogue on Sustainability 2020 (p. 6) 
Engaging in dialogue

 179, 14Section 289c para. 2 (2, 3) HGB
102-44Key topics and concerns raised

Stakeholder Dialogue on Sustainability 2018
Results Report: GIZ Stakeholder Dialogue on Sustainability 2020 (p. 6)
Engaging in dialogue


GRI UNGCSDGThe Code*Section 289b ff. of HGB**
102-45Entities included in the consolidated financial statements

The entity included in the consolidated financial statements is the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.

102-46Defining report content and topic boundaries

Engaging in dialogue
Results Report: GIZ Stakeholder Dialogue on Sustainability 2020

102-47List of material topics

Engaging in dialogue


We report on our material topics in the following sections:

1. Climate change mitigation

  • Climate management in the spotlight 

2. Conservation of natural resources

  • Environmental management

3. Sustainable procurement

  • Sustainable procurement and events  

4. Protecting & promoting human rights

  • Human rights are the top priority
  • Minimising risk, averting damage 

5. Sustainable mobility

  • Climate management in the spotlight

6. Biodiversity

  • Environmental management

7. Diversity & Gender

  • Diversity is valuable
  • Gender at GIZ

8. Compliance & anti-corruption

  • Working together to fight corruption

9. Digitalisation

  • Digital transformation at GIZ  
  • Protecting sensitive data  

10. Work-life balance & staff health  

  • Approaches to health and work-life balance
  • Safe working around the world

11. Sustainable events

  • Sustainable procurement and events  

12. Cooperation & partnership management

  • Our sustainability management instruments
    (> Memberships)

13. Human resources development  

  • Employability: a systematic approach to career development

14. Responsible use of funds

  • Value for money – one of the pillars of the Corporate Strategy

15. Learning organisation 

  • Sharing experiences, safeguarding quality  

16. Corporate social responsibility

  • Staff initiatives
102-48Restatements of information

No adjustments have been made.

102-49Changes in reportingThere was no change in the material topics in the Integrated Company Report 2020 compared to the 2019 reporting period. The last change to the material topics was in the Integrated Company Report 2019 compared to 2018. This was due to a focus on potential to make a difference. 127 
102-50Reporting period1 January 2020 to 31 December 2020 12  
102-51Date of most recent report

The Integrated Company Report 2019 was published in the second half of 2020. 

102-52Reporting cycle


102-53Contact point for questions regarding the report

102-54Claims of reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards

GRI content index and external assurance

102-55GRI content index

GRI content index and external assurance

102-56External assuranceThe Integrated Company Report of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is externally assured every two years. 127 

GRI UNGCSDGThe Code*Section 289b ff. of HGB**
Management approach disclosures

Sustainable procurement and events

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 4, 6, 14Section 289c para. 2 (4) HGB
204-1Proportion of spending on local suppliers

Sustainable procurement and events

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 108, 124, 6, 14Section 289c para. 2 (4) HGB

GRI UNGCSDGThe Code*Section 289b ff. of HGB**
Management approach disclosures

Working together to fight corruption

10 20Section 289c para. 2 (5) HGB
205-2Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and procedures

Working together to fight corruption

101620Section 289c para. 2 (5) HGB

Management approach disclosures

Further reducing our consumption of resources (IUB 2019)

   Section 289c para. 2 (1) HGB
301-1Materials used by weight or volume


7, 86, 8, 1211, 12Section 289c para. 2 (1) HGB

Management approach disclosures

Reducing energy consumption at GIZ locations in Germany and abroad (IUB 2019)

Climate and environmental data at a glance (IUB 2019)

   Section 289c para. 2 (1) HGB
302-1Energy consumption within the organization


7-97, 8, 1311, 12, 13Section 289c para. 2 (1) HGB
302-2Energy consumption outside of the organization


7-97, 8, 12, 1311, 12, 13Section 289c para. 2 (1) HGB
302-4Reduction of energy consumption


7-97, 8, 12, 1311, 12, 13Section 289c para. 2 (1) HGB

Management approach disclosures

Further reducing our consumption of resources (IUB 2019)

Climate and environmental data at a glance (IUB 2019)

   Section 289c para. 2 (1) HGB
303-3Water withdrawal


7-96, 8, 1211, 12Section 289c para. 2 (1) HGB
303-5Water consumption


7-96, 8, 1211, 12Section 289c para. 2 (1) HGB

Management approach disclosures

We protect biodiversity and build sustainably (IUB 2019)

Climate and environmental data at a glance (IUB 2019)

   Section 289c para. 2 (1) HGB
304-1Operational sites owned, leased, managed in, or adjacent to, protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas


7, 8, 911, 12, 13, 1511, 12Section 289c para. 2 (1) HGB
304-2Significant impacts of activities, products, and services on biodiversity


7, 8, 911, 12, 13, 1511, 12Section 289c para. 2 (1) HGB
304-3Habitats protected or restored


7, 811, 12, 13, 1511, 12Section 289c para. 2 (1) HGB

Management approach disclosures

Climate management in the spotlight

Mobility is becoming more eco-friendly (from the section on Creating Value in the print version of the report)
GIZ has now achieved climate neutrality worldwide (from the section on Creating Value in the print version of the report)
8, 911, 1313Section 289c para. 2 (1) HGB
305-1Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions


7-98, 1313Section 289c para. 2 (1) HGB
305-2Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions


7-98, 1313Section 289c para. 2 (1) HGB
305-3Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions


7-98, 1313Section 289c para. 2 (1) HGB
305-5Reducing GHG emissions


7-98, 1313Section 289c para. 2 (1) HGB
305-7Nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOX), and other significant air emissions


78, 1313 

Management approach disclosures

Further reducing our consumption of resources (IUB 2019)

Climate and environmental data at a glance (IUB 2019)

   Section 289c para. 2 (1) HGB
306-1Water discharge by quality and destination


7, 86, 8, 1212Section 289c para. 2 (1) HGB
306-2Waste by type and disposal method


7-96, 8, 1212Section 289c para. 2 (1) HGB

Management approach disclosures


   Section 289c para. 2 (1) HGB
307-1Non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations

No cases of non-compliance with laws and/or regulations were identified in the 2019 reporting period.
Environmental Statement 2019 (German only)

712, 1620Section 289c para. 2 (1) HGB

Management approach disclosures

Sustainable procurement and events

   Section 289c para. 2 (1) HGB
308-1New suppliers that were screened using environmental criteria


712, 164Section 289c para. 2 (1) HGB
308-2Negative environmental impacts in the supply chain and actions taken

An audit of negative environmental impacts in the supply chain was not carried out in 2019 and further information is therefore not available.

712, 164, 11Section 289c para. 2 (1) HGB

GRI UNGCSDGThe Code*Section 289b ff. of HGB**
Management approach disclosures

Holistic approaches to health and work-life balance
Safe working around the world

 314Section 289c para. 2 (2) HGB
403-1Occupational health and safety management system 

Holistic approaches to health and work-life balance
Safe working around the world

 314Section 289c para. 2 (2) HGB
403-2Hazard identification, risk assessment, and incident investigation

Holistic approaches to health and work-life balance
Safe working around the world

 314Section 289c para. 2 (2) HGB
403-3Occupational health services

Holistic approaches to health and work-life balance
Safe working around the world

 314Section 289c para. 2 (2) HGB
403-4Worker participation, consultation, and communication on occupational health and safety

Holistic approaches to health and work-life balance
Safe working around the world

 314Section 289c para. 2 (2) HGB
403-5Worker training on occupational health and safety

Holistic approaches to health and work-life balance
Safe working around the world

 314Section 289c para. 2 (2) HGB
403-6Promotion of worker health

Holistic approaches to health and work-life balance
Safe working around the world

 314Section 289c para. 2 (2) HGB
403-7Prevention and mitigation of occupational health and safety impacts directly linked by business relationships

Holistic approaches to health and work-life balance
Safe working around the world

 314Section 289c para. 2 (2) HGB
403-8Workers covered by an occupational health and safety management system

Holistic approaches to health and work-life balance
Safe working around the world

 314Section 289c para. 2 (2) HGB

GRI UNGCSDGThe Code*Section 289b ff. of HGB**
Management approach disclosures

Employability: a systematic approach to career development

  14, 15, 16Section 289c para. 2 (2) HGB
404-2Programs for upgrading employee skills and transition assistance programs

Employability: a systematic approach to career development

 5, 8, 1014, 15, 16Section 289c para. 2 (2) HGB
404-3Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews

Employability: a systematic approach to career development

 5, 8, 1014, 15, 16Section 289c para. 2 (2) HGB

GRI UNGCSDGThe Code*Section 289b ff. of HGB**
Management approach disclosures

Diversity is valuable
Gender at GIZ
Gender equality. The obvious choice

6 14, 15, 16Section 289c para. 2 (2, 4) HGB
405-1Diversity of governance bodies and employees

People at GIZ

65, 8, 1014, 15, 16Section 289c para. 2 (2, 4) HGB

GRI UNGCSDGThe Code*Section 289b ff. of HGB**
Management approach disclosures

Diversity is valuable
Gender at GIZ
Gender equality. The obvious choice


14, 15, 16

Section 289c para. 2 (2, 4) HGB
406-1Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken

GIZ respects the privacy of its employees. All consultations relating to cases of discrimination are confidential and anonymous. Discrimination is not tolerated. All such cases will be fully investigated and the individuals responsible sanctioned. Information is not published or forwarded to third parties. 

65, 8, 10, 1614, 15, 16Section 289c para. 2 (2, 4) HGB

GRI UNGCSDGThe Code*Section 289b ff. of HGB**
Management approach disclosures

Human rights are the top priority

1, 2 6, 14, 17Section 289c para. 2 (2, 4) HGB
412-1Operations that have been subject to human rights reviews or impact assessments

Minimising risk, averting damage

1, 25, 8, 10, 166, 14, 17Section 289c para. 2 (2, 3, 4) HGB
412-2Employee training on human rights policies or procedures

Human rights are the top priority

1, 25, 8, 10, 12, 166, 14, 17Section 289c para. 2 (2, 4) HGB

GRI UNGCSDGThe Code*Section 289b ff. of HGB**
Management approach disclosures

Sustainable procurement and events

1–6 4, 6, 14, 17Section 289c para. 2 (4) HGB
414-1New suppliers that were screened using social criteria

Sustainable procurement and events

1–65, 8, 164, 6, 14, 17Section 289c para. 2 (4) HGB

GRI UNGCSDGThe Code*Section 289b ff. of HGB**
Management approach disclosures

GIZ does not make donations to political parties, politicians or associations affiliated with political parties. This is in line with regulations against exerting political influence.

10 19 
415-1Political contributions

GIZ does not make donations to political parties, politicians or associations affiliated with political parties. This is in line with regulations against exerting political influence.


GRI UNGCSDGThe Code*Section 289b ff. of HGB**
Management approach disclosures

Working together to fight corruption

10 20Section 289c para. 2 (5) HGB
419-1Non-compliance with laws and regulations in the social and economic area

Annual GIZ Compliance Report