GIZ has firmly embedded all three dimensions in its strategies and management philosophy. This gives staff clear guidance about how to put sustainability into practice on a daily basis. GIZ aligns its practice here with national and international guidelines and agreements – such as the 2030 Agenda, the Paris Agreement and the National Action Plan for Business and Human Rights – and also sets its own ambitious targets.

To fulfil our social responsibility, we attach particular importance to carrying out human rights due diligence in projects and corporate processes.

GIZ is constantly striving to improve its ecological balance. You will find an extensive overview of current activities and results in the relevant sectors of the 2019 and 2020 Integrated Company Reports.

To reach our goals as a company, we have to sustain and strengthen our performance, a step that entails maximising the efficient and sustainable use of resources.
Sustainability management
Sustainability management has been systematically mainstreamed in our company. To drive forward sustainability as an issue, GIZ employs a wide spectrum of instruments. Over the past few years, we have also significantly expanded climate management measures.
Sustainable. The obvious choice
Our sustainability management instruments
Environmental management at GIZ
Climate management at GIZ