Here you will find various reports produced by GIZ: the Annual Statement of Accounts 2023 on the company’s financial position (as a PDF), and many other documents on our corporate sustainability and corporate governance.
GIZ’s Annual Statement of Accounts gives details about the company’s business areas and its assets, financial position and income.
Corporate sustainability documents
This document presents the company’s environmental data for Germany and consumption values for abroad.
GIZ’s Sustainability Guidelines
7 Pages · 0,2 MB
These guidelines convey GIZ’s understanding of sustainability and how it should be implemented by its staff. They were published in early 2024.
EMAS Environmental Statement 2023 (German only)
55 Pages · 1,8 MB
In our annual statement, we report on objectives, measures and results from our corporate environmental management.
Sustainability Programme 2021–2025
11 Pages · 0,6 MB
The Sustainability Programme outlines the activities that GIZ will conduct to achieve its sustainability targets between 2021 and 2025.
Declaration of Compliance with the German Sustainability Code
With its reporting activities under the German Sustainability Code, GIZ also follows the recommendation of the German Government’s Public Corporate Governance Code (PCGK).
UN Global Compact Communication on Progress (CoP)
CoP sets out how we have been implementing the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact. A new questionnaire format was introduced in 2022.
Corporate governance documents
In the Public Corporate Governance Report, which is published annually, the Supervisory Board and Management Board declare that they have implemented recommendations on professional and transparent corporate governance in line with the German Government’s Public Corporate Governance Code (PCGK) and explain any discrepancies.
Integrated Company Reports from previous years
GIZ’s Integrated Company Report provides information on our strategic direction and business development, describes how we realise our social responsibility and act ecologically, and outlines the results of our work. The integrated style of reporting combines financial and non-financial information and reflects our goal of painting a picture of our company as a whole.