Grafik: Ziel für nachhaltige Entwicklung 1: keine Armut. Menschen halten sich an den Händen.Graphic: Sustainable Development Goal 1: No poverty. People holding hands.Grafik: Ziel für nachhaltige Entwicklung 10: Weniger Ungleichheiten. Ein = Zeichen mit Pfeilen nach oben, unten, links und rechts.Graphic: Sustainable Development Goal 10: Reduced inequalities. An equals sign (=) surrounded by arrows pointing up, down, left, and right.Grafik: Ziel für nachhaltige Entwicklung 11: Nachhaltige Städte und Gemeinden. Mehrere Gebäude.Graphic: Sustainable Development Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities. Several buildings.Grafik: Ziel für nachhaltige Entwicklung 12: Nachhaltiger Konsum und Produktion. Ein Unendlichkeitssymbol.Graphic: Sustainable Development Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production. An infinity symbol.Grafik: Ziel für nachhaltige Entwicklung 13: Maßnahmen zum Klimaschutz. Ein Auge, dessen Pupille eine Weltkugel ist.Graphic: Sustainable Development Goal 13: Climate action. An eye with a globe as a pupil.Grafik: Ziel für nachhaltige Entwicklung 14: Leben unter Wasser. Ein Fisch schwimmt unter Wellen.Graphic: Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life below water. A fish swimming beneath waves.Grafik: Ziel für nachhaltige Entwicklung 15: Leben an Land. Ein Baum und Vögel.Graphic: Sustainable Development Goal 15: Life on land. A tree and birds.Grafik: Ziel für nachhaltige Entwicklung 16: Frieden, Gerechtigkeit und starke Institutionen. Eine Taube und ein Richterhammer.Grafik: Ziel für nachhaltige Entwicklung 17: Partnerschaften zur Erreichung der Ziele. Sich überlappende Kreise.Graphic: Sustainable Development Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals. Overlapping circles.Grafik: Ziel für nachhaltige Entwicklung 2: Kein Hunger. Aus einer Schüssel steigt Dampf auf.Graphic: Sustainable Development Goal 2: Zero hunger. Steam rising from a bowl.Grafik: Ziel für nachhaltige Entwicklung 3: Gesundheit und Wohlergehen. Linie eines EKGs, die in einem Herz endet.Graphic: Sustainable Development Goal 3: Good health and well-being. ECG line leading into a heart symbol.Grafik: Ziel für nachhaltige Entwicklung 4: Hochwertige Bildung. Ein aufgeschlagenes Buch und ein Stift.Graphic: Sustainable Development Goal 4: Quality education. An open book and a pencil.Grafik: Ziel für nachhaltige Entwicklung 5: Geschlechtergleichheit. Eine Kombination aus den Symbolen für Männlichkeit und Weiblichkeit, mit einem = Zeichen in der Mitte.Graphic: Sustainable Development Goal 5: Gender equality. A combination of the male and female gender symbols with an equals sign (=) in the middle.Grafik: Ziel für nachhaltige Entwicklung 6: Sauberes Wasser und Sanitäreinrichtungen. Ein mit Wasser gefülltes Glas.Graphic: Sustainable Development Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation. A glass filled with water.Grafik: Ziel für nachhaltige Entwicklung 7: Bezahlbare und saubere Energie. Eine Sonne mit einem An-/Aus-Zeichen in der Mitte.Graphic: Sustainable Development Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy. A sun with a power button symbol in the middle.Grafik: Ziel für nachhaltige Entwicklung 8: Menschenwürdige Arbeit und Wirtschaftswachstum. Ein Balkendiagramm mit Pfeil nach oben.Graphic: Sustainable Development Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth. A bar chart with an arrow pointing upwards.Grafik: Ziel für nachhaltige Entwicklung 9: Industrie, Innovation und Infrastruktur. Mehrere verschachtelte Würfel.Graphic: Sustainable Development Goal 9: Industry, innovation, and infrastructure. Several interlocking cubes. Graphic: Sustainable Development Goal 16: Peace, justice, and strong institutions. A dove and a gavel. Artboard 1

Our environmental and climate impact in figures

Verifiable figures and data play an indispensable role in our efforts to steadily reduce our environmental impact. Here are the key indicators.

On this page, you will find our climate and environmental data for the reporting year 2022. Our climate and environmental data for the reporting year 2023 and the related reports will be updated here in the fourth quarter of 2024. Information on the measures we are currently taking to prevent emissions, save energy and reduce our resource consumption is available now in the GRI content index.

Our environmental footprint is determined by our consumption of electricity, gas, oil, water, fuel and many other factors. To help us improve steadily, we record key climate and environmental data each year for our locations inside and outside Germany. Inside Germany, we use the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS), which involves an external validation of data. Outside Germany, we have developed our own management tool – the Corporate Sustainability Handprint® (CSH) – to provide a standardised framework for local sustainability management, which can be implemented in a way that suits the country context. Both tools provide data on our greenhouse gas emissions. Our measurements are based on the international Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHGP). As of fiscal 2021, we also made some changes to our assessment system to bring it into line with the requirements of the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). Wherever possible, these changes were also made retroactively to ensure data comparability. Further information about the methods we use to calculate climate and environmental data can be found in the section entitled Notes on calculation methods Notes on calculation methods.

GIZ’s total emissions
in t CO2e according to SBTI:


Scope 1+2


Scope 3

Selected GIZ climate and environmental data 2022:

Scope 3

Germany Abroad
2019 2020 2021 2022 2019 2020 2021 2022
Purchased goods and services5 in t CO2e 132,223 136,910 155,341 139,122 61,789 54,815 84,035 68,151
Fuel and energy-related emissions6 in t CO2e 312 289 217 184 8,276 6,322 5,652 6,898
Business trips in t CO2e 23,275 3,179 2,798 13,239 86,254 19,481 22,724 59,531
Commuting7 in t CO2e 3,042 1,587 1,078 4,903 10,008 4,396 4,624 13,974
Events in t CO2e Data not mapped / 36 81 Data not mapped in the CSH / / /
Estimate based on financial data. These are only emissions from purchased services since these are essential for GIZ. This excludes construction services.
Due to improved data quality, figures may differ in part from previously published data. An estimate was made for foreign countries for the years 2019 and 2020.
Commuter traffic abroad was roughly estimated for 2019 using flat-rate values. From 2020, the values are derived from an extrapolation based on the results of an internal survey of selected locations abroad.
Achievement of SBTi target8

Entire company
2019 2020 2021 2022
Scopes 1 + 2 in t CO2e 32,709 27,274 26,777 28,693
Scope 3 in t CO2e 325,157 226,979 276,457 306,003
The totals deviate in part from previously communicated figures because data quality has improved thanks to more accurate recalculations.
Scopes 1 + 2: Limiting global warming to 1.5 °C
(direct emissions)
Scope 3: Limiting global warming to significantly less than 2 °C
(indirect emissions)

Rail travel inside Germany
(in 1,000 km)


Worldwide air travel
(in 1,000 km)


Germany Abroad
2019 2020 2021 2022 2019 2020 2021 2022
Total flights in 1,000 km 69,621 9,515 8,252 41,831 361,454 78,670 81,902 250,994
Distance flown per staff member in km 13,434 1,646 1,430 6,930 19,830 4,149 4,106 12,492
Total rail trips in 1,000 km 12,357 3,195 1,833 6,447 / / / /
Distance travelled by rail per staff member in km 2,384 553 318 1,068 / / / /

Total GIZ energy consumption in kWh
(Inside Germany)


Total GIZ energy consumption in kWh
(Outside Germany)

Germany Abroad
2019 2020 2021 2022 2019 2020 2021 2022
Total energy consumption in kWh 24,114,794 23,015,555 23,438,006 20,445,840 80,277,407 66,123,732 66,416,385 76,503,371
Total energy consumption per staff member in kWh 4,387 3,826 3,897 3,258 4,404 3,487 3,330 3,807