Grafik: Ziel für nachhaltige Entwicklung 1: keine Armut. Menschen halten sich an den Händen.Graphic: Sustainable Development Goal 1: No poverty. People holding hands.Grafik: Ziel für nachhaltige Entwicklung 10: Weniger Ungleichheiten. Ein = Zeichen mit Pfeilen nach oben, unten, links und rechts.Graphic: Sustainable Development Goal 10: Reduced inequalities. An equals sign (=) surrounded by arrows pointing up, down, left, and right.Grafik: Ziel für nachhaltige Entwicklung 11: Nachhaltige Städte und Gemeinden. Mehrere Gebäude.Graphic: Sustainable Development Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities. Several buildings.Grafik: Ziel für nachhaltige Entwicklung 12: Nachhaltiger Konsum und Produktion. Ein Unendlichkeitssymbol.Graphic: Sustainable Development Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production. An infinity symbol.Grafik: Ziel für nachhaltige Entwicklung 13: Maßnahmen zum Klimaschutz. Ein Auge, dessen Pupille eine Weltkugel ist.Graphic: Sustainable Development Goal 13: Climate action. An eye with a globe as a pupil.Grafik: Ziel für nachhaltige Entwicklung 14: Leben unter Wasser. Ein Fisch schwimmt unter Wellen.Graphic: Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life below water. A fish swimming beneath waves.Grafik: Ziel für nachhaltige Entwicklung 15: Leben an Land. Ein Baum und Vögel.Graphic: Sustainable Development Goal 15: Life on land. A tree and birds.Grafik: Ziel für nachhaltige Entwicklung 16: Frieden, Gerechtigkeit und starke Institutionen. Eine Taube und ein Richterhammer.Grafik: Ziel für nachhaltige Entwicklung 17: Partnerschaften zur Erreichung der Ziele. Sich überlappende Kreise.Graphic: Sustainable Development Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals. Overlapping circles.Grafik: Ziel für nachhaltige Entwicklung 2: Kein Hunger. Aus einer Schüssel steigt Dampf auf.Graphic: Sustainable Development Goal 2: Zero hunger. Steam rising from a bowl.Grafik: Ziel für nachhaltige Entwicklung 3: Gesundheit und Wohlergehen. Linie eines EKGs, die in einem Herz endet.Graphic: Sustainable Development Goal 3: Good health and well-being. ECG line leading into a heart symbol.Grafik: Ziel für nachhaltige Entwicklung 4: Hochwertige Bildung. Ein aufgeschlagenes Buch und ein Stift.Graphic: Sustainable Development Goal 4: Quality education. An open book and a pencil.Grafik: Ziel für nachhaltige Entwicklung 5: Geschlechtergleichheit. Eine Kombination aus den Symbolen für Männlichkeit und Weiblichkeit, mit einem = Zeichen in der Mitte.Graphic: Sustainable Development Goal 5: Gender equality. A combination of the male and female gender symbols with an equals sign (=) in the middle.Grafik: Ziel für nachhaltige Entwicklung 6: Sauberes Wasser und Sanitäreinrichtungen. Ein mit Wasser gefülltes Glas.Graphic: Sustainable Development Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation. A glass filled with water.Grafik: Ziel für nachhaltige Entwicklung 7: Bezahlbare und saubere Energie. Eine Sonne mit einem An-/Aus-Zeichen in der Mitte.Graphic: Sustainable Development Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy. A sun with a power button symbol in the middle.Grafik: Ziel für nachhaltige Entwicklung 8: Menschenwürdige Arbeit und Wirtschaftswachstum. Ein Balkendiagramm mit Pfeil nach oben.Graphic: Sustainable Development Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth. A bar chart with an arrow pointing upwards.Grafik: Ziel für nachhaltige Entwicklung 9: Industrie, Innovation und Infrastruktur. Mehrere verschachtelte Würfel.Graphic: Sustainable Development Goal 9: Industry, innovation, and infrastructure. Several interlocking cubes. Graphic: Sustainable Development Goal 16: Peace, justice, and strong institutions. A dove and a gavel. Artboard 1

Who we are and where we work

As a worldwide service provider in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development and international education, GIZ works with partners to deliver effective solutions that offer people better prospects and sustainably improve their living conditions. A public-benefit federal enterprise, GIZ supports the German Government and many other public and private sector commissioning parties and clients in achieving their objectives in the field of international cooperation. GIZ has over 50 years of experience in a wide variety of areas, including economic development and employment, energy and the environment, and peace and security.

Photo: A sign bearing the GIZ logo in front of several modern buildings.
Photo: The world map recreated by groups of people.
© / Christoph Burgstedt

Our vision:

We work to shape a future worth living around the world.

GIZ has two registered offices in Germany, one in Bonn and one in Eschborn. The company is represented at seven other locations in Germany and operates in nearly 120 countries.*

Photo: A row of globes painted in bright colours.
© / rglinsky

An overview of all GIZ projects:

Worldwide (

Overview of all GIZ locations*

Photo: Three people having a conversation around a table.
© GIZ / Tillmann Franzen


Berlin ­/ Bonn ­/ Bonn-Röttgen ­/ Eschborn ­/ Düsseldorf ­/ Hamburg ­/ Magdeburg ­/ Munich ­/ Feldafing

Photo: Several people working on something together, with cables and a laptop in front of them.


Algeria ­/ Angola ­/ Benin ­/ Botswana ­/ Burkina Faso ­/ Burundi ­/ Cameroon ­/ Cape Verde ­/ Central African Republic (CAR) ­/ Chad ­/ Côte d’Ivoire ­/ Democratic Republic of the Congo ­/ Djibouti ­/ Egypt ­/ Eritrea ­/ Ethiopia ­/ Gambia ­/ Ghana ­/ Guinea ­/ Kenya ­/ Lesotho ­/ Liberia ­/ Libya ­/ Madagascar ­/ Malawi ­/ Mali ­/ Mauritania ­/ Mauritius ­/ Morocco ­/ Mozambique ­/ Namibia ­/ Niger ­/ Nigeria ­/ Rwanda ­/ Senegal ­/ Seychelles ­/ Sierra Leone ­/ Somalia ­/ South Africa ­/ South Sudan ­/ Sudan ­/ Tanzania ­/ Togo ­/ Tunisia ­/ Uganda ­/ Zambia ­/ Zimbabwe

Photo: Several women, some of them raising their fingers in the air and laughing.


Afghanistan ­/ Bangladesh ­/ Cambodia ­/ China ­/ Fiji ­/ India ­/ Indonesia ­/ Iraq ­/ Jordan ­/ Kazakhstan ­/ Kyrgyzstan ­/ Laos ­/ Lebanon ­/ Malaysia ­/ Maldives ­/ Marshall Islands ­/ Mongolia ­/ Myanmar ­/ Nepal ­/ Pakistan ­/ Palestinian territories ­/ Papua New Guinea ­/ Philippines ­/ Russian Federation ­/ Saudi Arabia ­/ Sri Lanka ­/ Syria ­/ Tajikistan ­/ Thailand ­/ Türkiye ­/ Turkmenistan ­/ United Arab Emirates ­/ Uzbekistan ­/ Vanuatu ­/ Viet Nam ­/ Yemen

Photo: Two men wearing hard hats and working at a machine.
© GIZ / Dirk Ostermeier


Albania ­/ Armenia ­/ Azerbaijan ­/ Belgium ­/ Bosnia and Herzegovina ­/ Croatia ­/ Cyprus ­/ Georgia ­/ Greece ­/ Kosovo ­/ Moldova ­/ Montenegro ­/ North Macedonia ­/ Poland ­/ Serbia ­/ Spain ­/ Ukraine

Photo: A man holding fish he has caught.
© GIZ / Jose Diaz


Barbados ­/ Belize ­/ Costa Rica ­/ Cuba ­/ Dominican Republic ­/ El Salvador ­/ Grenada ­/ Guatemala ­/ Honduras ­/ Mexico ­/ Nicaragua ­/ Panama

Photo: A woman in a beekeeping suit.
© GIZ / Andrés Verdezoto


Argentina ­/ Bolivia ­/ Brazil ­/ Chile ­/ Colombia ­/ Ecuador ­/ Paraguay ­/ Peru ­/ Uruguay

* As at 31 December 2023

Learn more about our work around the globe

Photo: Four women wearing headscarves sitting around a table and learning together.

Pooling strengths, creating prospects

Delivering rapid assistance while at the same time securing long-term prospects: working with partners, GIZ operates at the interface between peace and development. (© GIZ / 2022 Ali Saltan)

Learn more
Photo: Two young women in dark blue scrubs standing in a hospital corridor next to a monitor.

Skilled workers as the key to success

GIZ supports training systems in various partner countries, as well as the migration of skilled workers to Germany. (© GIZ / Tristan Vostry)

Learn more
Photo: Two men standing face-to-face. The man on the left is wearing a VR headset.

From chatbots and start-ups to smart rubbish bins

Many digitalisation projects are working together closely in Rwanda, shaping digital transformation in the country and creating added value for the state, the private sector and civil society. (© GIZ)

Learn more
Photo: A farmer on a moped, transporting sacks containing freshly harvested rice plants on a trailer.

For climate-friendly agriculture and resilient cities

The climate is becoming hotter, drier and more extreme. GIZ supports countries around the world in their efforts to live with changing conditions and adapt to climate change. (© GIZ)

Learn more
Below you will find information about the Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI) sustainability standards:

GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021
