Agriculture and the food industry are among the most important sectors of Ghana’s emerging economy. They not only serve people in Ghana, but also supply goods for export, such as fruit and vegetables. Small enterprises account for almost four fifths of agricultural produce. To make them more competitive, GIZ is working on behalf of BMZ to support these smallholders in improving quality and gaining better market access. The EU has also been providing programme funding since 2017. Roughly 15,000 farmers attended training events in 2019 alone. By adopting modern growing techniques, gaining organic certification and entering into contracts with customers, they have been able to increase their yields by up to 50 per cent. Ninety processors and private agricultural service providers also received support in optimising their production and services, and expanding their sales channels. These efforts help to make enterprises financially secure and contribute to the country’s economic development – while also creating jobs. In 2019 alone, 450 jobs were created at processors and on commercial farms – the majority of them for women and young adults.

(© GIZ / Christoph Pannhausen)
Quality – made in Ghana
Ghanaian entrepreneur Georgina Koomson is an example of what this can look like in practice. She discovered the inherent potential of agriculture when studying economics. She had lots of ideas, but didn’t always know how to make them a reality. That changed when she found out about GIZ and realised that we are a reliable partner. She took part in training events to learn more about farming methods, processing and how to tap into international markets. One training session at a spice producer in Germany was a real eye-opener: ‘That’s where I learned how a processor actually works.’

The founder of Ideal Providence Farms now runs three farms and a business making speciality teas, spreads and high-quality cosmetics out of butterfly pea flowers, hibiscus, turmeric, mango, shea and lemongrass. The ingredients are grown using organic farming practices and are quality-certified. Georgina Koomson exports to Europe, Japan and the US. GIZ is helping her to improve production processes, develop innovative products and forge new marketing contacts, for instance by taking part in trade fairs.
And it’s having an impact: Georgina Koomson has been able to increase production, guarantee consistently high quality and boost sales. It’s a success that doesn’t only benefit her. To cite just one example: some 800 women from the north of the country supply the company with the raw materials it needs to make shea butter – which gives them a steady income. Fifteen people are permanently employed at her farms in the south and in processing facilities, along with 30 seasonal workers. And Georgina Koomson continues to aim high. ‘My goal is for my company to become one of Ghana’s best organic food manufacturers.’

Learn more about Georgina, an entrepreneur in Ghana’s organic farming sector.
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