Young people in many African countries lack prospects. At the same time, companies need professionals to help them get on board with digitalisation. SAP’s Young Professional Program (YPP) is making a vital contribution towards meeting the need for specialists, counteracting growing youth unemployment and injecting fresh impetus into the African economy. After all, these new experts can advance the introduction of digital technology in many companies and institutions, creating additional jobs in the process. GIZ is working with the technology firm SAP to this end on behalf of BMZ.
‘Digitalisation offers a unique chance for us all to take an innovative approach to tackling the various challenges of our times. Africa’s tech-savvy young people are ready to help the continent to harness its massive digital potential. The partnership is creating additional opportunities for Africa’s young people by unlocking synergies and engaging in targeted cooperation at local level.’
Marita Mitschein is Senior Vice President for Digital Skills EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa) South at SAP. (© Jutta Schewe)

As part of the programme, 600 university graduates looking for a job receive training and become certified in digital skills during a three-month training course. Once they finish the course, programme graduates are introduced to SAP partners or customers with the goal of placing at least three quarters of them in a job in the local IT sector. At least 450 jobs are being created in the process. The programme was launched through the Strategic Partnership Digital Africa, which connects businesses with development cooperation partners and is funded by the programme. With, BMZ supports companies that want to conduct business in developing countries and emerging economies. The project is part of BMZ’s Special Initiative on Training and Job Creation, which specifically promotes business activities in Africa. The Special Initiative’s services are pooled under the Invest for Jobs umbrella.
‘The SAP Young Professional Program has indeed changed my life. As a Certified SAP Application and Technology Associate Consultant at Deloitte, I am doing what I love. I work amongst the smartest minds assisting clients in diverse industries, supporting them on their digital journeys. This is possible thanks to the support of SAP and GIZ.’
Ayamba Okpa took part in the SAP Young Professional Program in Nigeria. (© Ayamba Okpa)

This Special Initiative targets German, European and African companies. It supports firms in their economic involvement in Africa, which includes job creation. Invest for Jobs helps companies to overcome potential barriers to investment by providing advice, contacts and financial support. The goal is to create more and better jobs and training opportunities. The partner countries are currently Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, Morocco, Rwanda, Senegal and Tunisia, and a partnership with Egypt is also in the pipeline.
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