Here you will find various publications on giz reporting: the integrated corporate report 2019 can be viewed as a browsable or barrier-free pdf, the annual financial statement 2019 on the company’s financial position as a pdf, as well as further documents on corporate sustainability and corporate governance.
Company Report 2019

Integrated Company Report 2019
GIZ’s Integrated Company Report provides information on business development, non-financial indicators and the results of our work. Our integrated reporting reflects the fact that sustainability is our core business as well as a definitive and integral part of our Corporate Strategy.
Annual Statement
of Accounts

Annual Statement of Accounts 2019
GIZ’s Annual Statement of Accounts gives details about the company’s business areas and its assets, financial position and income.
Corporate sustainability

Climate and Environmental Data 2019
The document provides a detailed overview of our climate and environmental indicators in Germany and abroad.
GIZ Sustainability Programme 2016–2020
The Sustainability Programme outlines the activities GIZ will implement to achieve its sustainability targets between 2016 and 2020.
GIZ Environmental Programme 2016–2020
The Environmental Programme outlines the activities GIZ will implement to achieve its environmental targets between 2016 and 2020.
GIZ's Sustainability Guidelines
These guidelines describe GIZ’s understanding of sustainability and how it should be implemented by its staff.
Environmental Statement 2020 (German only)
GIZ’s Climate and Environmental Statement presents the company’s environmental data for Germany and consumption values for abroad.
Stakeholder Dialogue Results Report 2018
The results report provides information on how GIZ’s stakeholders rate its sustainability performance and what they expect from GIZ’s sustainability management.
Materiality Matrix 2020
GIZ’s Materiality Matrix reflects the results of the Stakeholder Dialogue in 2020. It shows which sustainability issues GIZ’s stakeholders considered to be particularly relevant.
Sustainable Procurement Report 2017/2018 (German only)
GIZ’s Sustainable Procurement Report describes how GIZ incorporated sustainable aspects into its procurement activities in 2017/2018.
Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance Report 2019
(German only)
In the Corporate Governance Report, which is published annually, the Supervisory Board and Management Board declare that they have implemented recommendations on professional and transparent corporate governance in line with the German Government’s Public Corporate Governance Code (PCGK) and explain any discrepancies.
Integrated company reports
from previous years

Integrated company report 2018
GIZ’s Integrated Company Report provides information on business development, non-financial indicators and the results of our work. Our integrated reporting reflects the fact that sustainability is our core business as well as a definitive and integral part of our Corporate Strategy.